

Top 3 AI Daily Life Examples

The concept of Artificial Intelligence AI is based on the idea of building machines capable of thinking, acting, and learning like humans. 

The top daily life examples of  Artificial Intelligence(AI) :

1. Digital Assistants:

An AI digital assistant is a software service or a physical device, such as a smart speaker, or simply a feature offered on a general purpose computing device , which offers some interesting set of the abilities of a traditional, human assistant. Daily Life examples are: Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, and Microsoft’s Cortana are digital assistants that helps its customers perform various tasks, from checking their schedules and searching for something on the web, to sending commands to another app. AI is an important part of how these apps work because they gain intelligence from every single user interaction. This allows them to better recognize speech patterns and serve users results that are tailored to their preferences. 

2. Gaming:

AI in our games regardless of the platform has been around us.At first let us look at some basic games such as chess and pacman. In Pacman Artifical inteliigence is given to ghosts at catch the user while in chess we see that user has diffrent levels of intelligence that we can select and play according to our level.If we check our recent games such as Battlefield,Call of duty  a game Developer these days generalizes all possible situations that an AI could encounter, and then programs a specific reaction for each possibility.For Example  in a shooting game, AI would attack when human player shows up and then retreat when its own health level is too low.Devlopment in the field of AI would mean devloping better games in future.

3. Healthcare

These days Doctors are using AI models for detecting and diagnosing diseases. AI can help in better predictions as it uses analogical reasoning in which the solution for a query case is determined using a large set of databases of previous known similar cases with their solutions. Cases similar to the query are retrieved from the database, and then their solutions are adapted to the query. In Healthcare a case usually corresponds to a patient AI Devlopments in healthcare will minimize the cost of treating diseases providing better healthcare facilities all over the world with reduced cost.
Nowadays Doctors predict whether a given patient may or may not suffer from alzhiemer disease in future by providing the patient' s X ray to the AI model system which uses image recognition technology analyses it and then offers it's prediction.
AI in health care

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